5,000 children die every day from a lack of clean water!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Back from Fiji!

Boys from a small island village that helped us find the Chief's house to ask permission to go to one of their sacred islands.

Well the trip didn't go exactly to plan . . . we met some resistance from the locals and only managed to hide out 5 days till having to call the survival trip off due to the situation. We were hiding behind trees from boats and weren't able to use the beach for solar stills, chop down vegetation to build a shelter, build a fire to cook food, nor do much exploring, all due to not wanting to be seen by the many boats passing by. I was quite dissapointed since I had spent SO much time researching and planning for this . . . but there is only so much one can do from home . . . and experience is so much of the learning process. . . I did learn a lot and we were still able to:

- make it 5 days on 1MRE each + coconut

- made really strong rope from coconut husk fiber

- make a few solar stills

- drink distilled urine and seawater

- climb palm trees

- utilize every part/stage of the coconut

- kayak over 15 miles in open ocean

Ian making a solar still

Climbing a palm tree

Last few drops of distilled urine