5,000 children die every day from a lack of clean water!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

"May it be a light to you in dark places when all other lights go out." -L.O.T.R.-

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Need Emergency Supplies?

Need an Emergency Preparedness kit, food, seeds, vitamins? If you make a purchase from http://www.gourmetbuckets.com/ and specify that you are supporting our fundraiser, 1/2 of the profits will go to our cause :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gear List!

Our limited gear allowance contained in a backpack (per person)+ the clothes we are wearing/sunglasses.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Of course we know what we're doing . . . :)

Leaving in 5 days. Some concerns at the moment:

- Ciguatera fish poisoning. There are a few fish to definetly avoid eating, but this powerful neurotoxin that can't be seen, smelled, tasted, or cooked out, can be found in ANY reef fish.

- Getting enough water to remain hydrated in the heat. With the low odds of finding any source of fresh water on the island, we will have to climb palm trees and use solar stills to collect an adequate supply of water.

- Kayaking the 15 - 20 miles back (in possibly rough water) after 2 weeks with little energy.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Less than 2 weeks we will be kayaking from Mana Island (bottom) to Navadra and Eori Islands (top) 15 - 20 miles of paddling. Pray for calm seas . . .